More about December 3rd…
Lincoln in Leavenworth
- Description of Lincoln’s evening in Leavenworth with a photo of the city.
Daniel Mulford Valentine;s Diary
- Valentine attended and wrote about 2 of Lincoln’s speeches
Went at Night to Hear Hon. Abe Lincoln Make a Speech”
- Valentine’s description of Lincoln’s speech
Transcript of Daniel Mulford Valentine;s Diary
- Valentine attended and wrote about 2 of Lincoln’s speeches
Rebuilt Stockton Hall, Leavenworth, Kansas
- Lincoln delivered his famous speech “Popular Sovereignty” here on December 3rd, 1859 and then again the afternoon of December 5th, 1859.
Lincoln at Stockton Hall Historical Marker
- Site of Stockton Hall Marker
Delahay Portraits
- Mark William Delahay was married to a cousin of Lincoln. Lincoln is said to have stayed at his residence during his visit to Kansas.
The Story of Leavenworth
- Published in the Leavenworth Times in 1954, Lincoln’s visit is chronicaled here.
Bird’s eye view of the City of Leavenwoth, Kansas in 1869
- Perspective map not drawn to scale.
Leavenworth City Directory, and Business Mirror for 1859–60
- In addition to advertisements, and information about various civic institutions in Leavenworth, this city directory also contained an historical sketch of the city .
Sectional Map of the Territory of Kansas
- A sectional map of Kansas Territory compiled from field notes in the Surveyor General’s Office
Leavenworth, Kansas Territory
- An illustration of the town of Leavenworth, Kansas Territory, when it was six years old.
Leavenworth, Kansas Territory 2
- An illustration of the City of Leavenworth, Kansas Territory, copied from the December 25, 1858, issue of “Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper.”
Catholic Cathedral, Leavenworth, Kansas.
- This stereograph shows the Catholic Cathedral during construction.
Depot Leavenworth, Kansas
- 1867 stereograph shows the depot at Leavenworth, Kan.
Delaware Avenue, Leavenworth, Kansas
- This stereograph shows Delaware Avenue in downtown Leavenworth, Kansas in 1867.
Fifth Street, Leavenworth, Kansas
- This 1867 stereograph shows Fifth Street in downtown Leavenworth.
Game of billiards, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas
- This black and white photograph shows a group of soldiers gathered around a billiards table.
Henry Leavenworth
- Henry Leavenworth, after whom Ft. Leavenworth was named, was a prominent military figure in the white settlement of the American West
John C. Vaughn
- Vaughn came to Leavenworth, Kansas Territory, in 1859, where he served as the editor and publisher of the “Leavenworth Times” newspaper.
Leavenworth, Kansas Territory
An illustration of the City of Leavenworth, Kansas Territory, copied from the December 25, 1858, issue of “Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper.”
Mark W. Delahay to My Dear Sir
In response to an inquiry about a presidential appointment, Delahay writes from Leavenworth, Kansas Territory, that it was too soon to bother the president elect with such matters, December 1, 1860
Public school, Leavenworth, Kansas
This stereograph shows the public school during construction, Leavenworth, Kan in 1867.
Standard Atlas of Leavenworth County, Kansas
This atlas shows maps of each township with the names of landowners.
Missouri Historical Topographic Maps
- With dates of last survey.

Southwest corner 4th and Delaware,
Leavenworth, Kansas

a lincoln guide k. t. 1859
From O. A. Benjamin to Abraham Lincoln, December 3, 1859
Free Democrat Office
St Joseph Dec
Hon A Lincoln
Dear Sir
Since meeting you at Elwood, we have made all arrangements for giving you a
greeting here Tuesday Evening, and there will be much disappointment if you fail to be
here. The Sheriff has kindly tendered us the Court House and we are making
preparations for a good turn out. As we have made
other than verbal you will not suppose that we feel otherwise than certain that you will
be here. And You must not disappoint us
Truly Your Obt Servt
O A Benjamin
Transcribed by Larry Faulkner,